Welcome to KiTa and KiGa Zauberflöte

Best early childhood education and care



Die KiTa Zauberflöte ist ein wunderbarer Ort für Kleinkinder zum Aufwachsen. Ein Ort, an dem die Kleinsten jeden Tag etwas Neues lernen, viel spielen und viel lachen. KiTa Zauberflöte   Im Erdgeschoss Kinderalter 3 Monate – 4 Jahre Gruppen 1 Babygruppe (0,3–24 Monate) und 2 gemischte Altersgruppen (2–4 Jahre) Wir legen besonderen Wert auf eine …

  • Kindesalter: 4- 24 Monaten
  • Gruppen: 3 Gruppen
  • Capacity:
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Willkommen in unserem zweisprachigen, von Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich bewilligten Kindergarten. KiGa Zauberflöte Im Obergeschoss Alter 4 – 6 Jahre Gruppen 1 – 2 Gruppen Kindergartenunterricht im KiGa Zauberflöte erfolgt nach Zürcher- Lehrplan 21 Lernplan 21 bietet ein vielfältiges Bildungsumfeld, das auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Kinder eingeht. Wir fördern die kognitive, emotionale und soziale …

  • Kindesalter: 4 - 6 years
  • Gruppen: 1-2 Gruppen
  • Capacity:
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Hort Zauberflöte Im Obergeschoss Alter Kindergarten- und Grundschulkinder Gruppen 2 Gruppen Montessori- Entwicklungsbereiche In unserem Kinderhort werden Kinderaktivitäten nach Montessori Entwicklungsbereiche geplant und umgesetzt um die ganzheitliche Entwicklung von Kindern bestmöglich zu fördern. Die Montessori-Pädagogik legt grossen Wert auf die Selbstständigkeit, Eigenverantwortung und individuelle Entwicklung der Kinder. A day in the Magic Flute Kindergarten – …

  • Kindesalter: KiGa& Schulkinder
  • Grouppen: 2-3 Grouppen
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Under one roof

We offer childcare places for children aged 4 months to elementary school. Our offer includes three wonderful options to best meet the needs of your little darlings:

Die Kinderkrippe, den Hort und den Kindergarten

The child is the focus

Building blocks of our pedagogical concept


Bilingual preschool

Early childhood is the best time to learn a second language. We have the best methods to help children learn languages more easily


Montessori pedagogy

Montessori pedagogy is a successful learning method because it is based on a deep understanding of how children learn


Experienced teachers

Our educators are highly qualified and focus on hands-on learning in the real world by being warm, available and kind to the children


Inclusive education

We warmly welcome children with special needs. This claim is an enrichment and opportunity for all children

The child is the focus

Building blocks of our pedagogical concept

Bilingual preschool

Early childhood is the best time to learn a second language. We have the best methods to help children learn languages more easily

Montessori pedagogy

Montessori pedagogy is a successful learning method because it is based on a deep understanding of how children learn

Experienced teachers

Our educators are highly qualified and focus on hands-on learning in the real world by being warm, available and kind to the children

Inclusive education

We warmly welcome children with special needs. This claim is an enrichment and opportunity for all children


What parents say


Our programs

0.3-2 Years


By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment
2-4 Years


Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district
4-7 Years


This program is available for all children enrolled in elementary

Additional offer

Wassergewöhnung & Schwimmunterricht

Pferdestallbesuch& Ponyreiten

Yoga Lessons

English Lessons for Children Aged 4 and Over


Baby group up to 24 months daily rate 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day
Whole day CHF 135 CHF 584 CHF 1`168 CHF 1`752 CHF 2`336 CHF 2`920
Half day with lunch CHF 96 CHF 415 CHF 830 CHF 1`245 CHF 1`660 CHF 2`075
Baby Gruppe bis 24 Monat Whole day Whole day
daily rate CHF 135 CHF 96
1 Day CHF 584 CHF 415
2 Day CHF 1`169 CHF 830
3 Day CHF CHF 1`752 CHF CHF 1`245
4 Day CHF 2`336 CHF 1`660
5 Day CHF 2`920 CHF 2`075
Mixed-age group + kindergarten daily rate 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day
Whole day CHF 125 CHF 541 CHF 1’082 CHF 1623 CHF 2164 CHF 2705
Half day with lunch CHF 90 CHF 389 CHF 778 CHF 1167 CHF 1556 CHF 1945
Mixed-age group + kindergarten Whole day Half day with lunch
daily rate CHF 125 CH 90
1 Day CHF 541 CH 389
2 Day CHF 1’080 CH 778
3 Day CHF 1623 CH 1167
4 Day CHF 2164 CH 1556
5 Day CHF 2705 CH 1945

The tariffs are the same every month and include public holidays and company holidays (Christmas).
Small children require more intensive care, which is why the tariffs for children under 24 months are higher than for children over 2 years.

Monthly parental contributions

The monthly fee is due at the beginning of the month.
A flat rate is charged monthly, which is calculated as follows:
Monthly contribution = number of care days x daily rate x 4.33

Sibling discount

Siblings receive a discount:
2nd child 5% discount; 3rd child, 10% discount

Opening hours

Kita & KiTa Zauberflöte is open from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 6.30 p.m

Gallery insights
