In winter 23/ 24
Die frostigen Wintertage boten eine ideale Gelegenheit zum Guetzlibacken, zum Schmücken der Räume und zur Vorbereitung von Weihnachtsgeschenken für die
Die frostigen Wintertage boten eine ideale Gelegenheit zum Guetzlibacken, zum Schmücken der Räume und zur Vorbereitung von Weihnachtsgeschenken für die
Im Garten von KiTa& KiGa Zauberflöte haben wir einen Regenbogen gesehen! Inspiriert von Herbst haben wir bunte Bilder gemalt und
Moving to the new building We are pleased to announce that from mid-September 2023 we will be moving to a
Hardly any season is better suited for discovery than spring. The sun is coming out again and lots of animals
It's finally December again. KiTa&KiGa Zauberflöte offers a variety of activities on the subject of winter, snow and Christmas. We explain that
Summer is over, it doesn't matter! We enjoy autumn to the fullest with the children. The walks were very colorful
Also in the summer of 2022, 10 KiTa children transferred to our kindergarten and after-school care center. Day trips into nature were often popular
Leaves, grass, flowers, fruits, acorns, twigs, driftwood, stones and cones ..and...and...nature gives us countless materials and ideas to discover
In autumn 21 Pony riding in the stable took place every second Tuesday for KiTa children and every second Thursday for KiGa&
In summer 21 day trips into nature were often on the program in summer. The beautiful rays of sunshine left it already
Riding on the farm/ horse stables Happy View in Saturdays, takes place every two weeks, Thursdays and Fridays. the children have
There is nothing better in winter than building a snowman together or going sledding, whizzing down the slope and
The children come to the KiTa and KiGa in disguise. The Halloween festival was especially fun as each child got their own
Especially in autumn, with the beautiful colored leaves, there are many great play experiences for the children outside in the
Day trips into nature were also on the agenda in autumn. The beautiful long rays of sunshine allowed us to
In the summer we were able to welcome many new small children to the day-care center. The acclimatization of new children is exciting, however
Der interne Übergang von der der KiTa in den KiGa& Hort wird ein zentrales Ereignis im August darstellen. Auch externe
Since summer had already arrived in June, we could do as much as we wanted in the garden of the KiGa and KiTa or see
We spent more time outside again. This included beautiful walks through the village, but also visits to the farms. children and
We teach the children how to wash hands now. We do this more than usual. Also wash and
The KiTa children learned a lot of exciting things about building in October. The KiGa & Hort group designed their everyday life
As every year, the pre-Christmas period also included various Christmas rituals, making Christmas presents for the parents and baking
Ice skating Wädenswil ice rink On the colder season in December we visited the Wädenswil ice rink. A playful offer to get started
On the pavement We first go over the correct behavior in traffic in familiar surroundings. We explain that to the children
Trick or treating? In the circle of chairs we collected ideas on how the children like to decorate the group room and how they like to decorate
Cooking vegetables with children If children help wash, peel and cut vegetables and cook them, then do so
On Saturdays in August we have our kindergarten with after-school care. Our loving and talented kindergarten teachers will take care of 19 children
Dancing with a dance teacher Children dance in disguise with a dance teacher during music lesson. Through dance and movement, children develop a positive attitude
Fire, Water, Earth, Air We have collected basic materials such as stones, earth and water for this lesson. The children learn through
Painting outside When the weather is nice, we only paint outside with bright colors and spring motifs: flowers, sun,
Snorkeling this time Water is an incredibly fascinating element. So that children don't get bogged down when they're splashing about and later when they're learning to swim
Fastnacht party We celebrated Fastnacht again this year, but a little differently. We have the reopening of the new kindergarten
A magical journey into the magical world A wondrous sound of a flute led us into a beautiful enchanted forest. Maybe elves, fairies live there
Will he put the presents in the children's boot? It was even better. Samichlaus came with a big sack
Football combines sport with fun In the fall everything revolved around football. Outside on the lawn or inside
Discovering the forest with children We watch the bright leaves of different colors while they dance in the air to the ground
Tri, tra, trallala - the Kasperli is back! Also this year the Kasperlitheater was allowed to the children with us
A welcome refreshment for the childrenThe absolute hits on these hot summer days were: the children's pool, the water slide and the paddling pool.
Early Music Education The Magic Stars group prepared an entertaining show, which they performed in front of their parents and siblings. For preparation
Montessori Material - Learning with all the senses Through the clearly visible features of certain letter lines, such as curves (B, O, P, R) and
Ahoooiii! All the kids on board! In April we were very imaginative. The mixed-age group (Magic Stars) had a great idea
What melts faster: ice or snow? March brought us a lot of snow, which we were very happy about. The shoveling
Fun and magical atmosphere Children love the carnival season in the day care center. We made masks, sang carnival songs, played great carnival games
Our baby group is constantly growing. In the meantime, the little ones have grown into a well-rehearsed and harmonious group. The babies are happy everyone
Singing in German and English Samichlaus thought of our dear children again this year and wished us a warm welcome
Our baby group is constantly growing. In the meantime, the little ones have grown together into a well-established and harmonious group. The babies are happy every day
...and homemade apple juiceAccompanied by self-awareness and lots of fun, the farm visits are always a very instructive activity for the children. It
Free movement and games of skill After the exciting exploration of the forest with lots of movement and great joy of discovery, we celebrated a children's birthday party. Naturally
We saw so many pumpkins there: the children could distinguish colors, shapes and sizes very well. We could some
Sing and make music togetherOur music teacher Marcel studies at the University of Zurich and comes every Monday and Thursday (soon also
Hop, hop, hop, horse run gallop... In order to create the best possible conditions for the children to exercise, we regularly go to the
Kasperli - theater performance Two people doing community service have fulfilled their duty with us. These brought great joy to the children in August. Be
Paint like the great masters Cartney, our English and Art teacher, explains to the children step by step how to create a beautiful painting of a famous artist
Dear parents with pre-school children, We cordially invite you to our open day on Saturday, June 24th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Transformation from caterpillar to butterfly In May there was a lot for the children to discover – nearby, but also
Who will find the first flowers first? We tracked down spring with the children: What are these early bloomers called? Crocus?
Saturday March 4th. 2017 Colorful make-up, funny disguises and with a delicious aperitif we started the carnival celebration. Met after the aperitif
This time we visited the calves The children had a lot of fun visiting the farm. It was sweet to watch like that
How beautiful are the snowflakes! The fascinating thing about snow is that children can have many outdoor winter experiences. In our
Experience and enjoy in the open air. Once a week we spend half a day with the children in the forest.
Children's Festival Dear parents with preschool children, we cordially invite you to our children's festival on Saturday, June 18, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The highlight of our
A popular day trip – associated with a lot of joyThe children loved learning about the names of the various
All children are cordially invited When: Saturday, 29.10.2016 14:00 – 18:00 Where: Kita ZauberflöteZugerstrasse 58805 Richterswilwwe.kitazuberfloete.ch
We are pleased to inform you that from May 2016 we will be a bilingual nursery!
Bilingual: German/ English, We are pleased to announce that we will be a bilingual nursery from May 2016!
Mom is the best! Mother's Day should be a special day for the moms, so we do handicrafts with them